This is Flynn. He sired our litter of current puppies. He is a F1 mini red Goldendoodle OFA certified. He weighs 30 lbs.
He is so sweet and affectionate. He has a very relaxed temperament. His family says of him, "Flynn is a popular little guy. He wanders into the room when people are picking out pups and steals the show! Often families say that they would like to take him home too. If he was a human he would be a surfer type, loose shaggy hair, not a care in the world! He has a great blocky Golden Retriever shape but the perfect non-shedding coat from the poodle.
This is the beautiful mom Goldie! She is the most incredible family dog. She was easy to train and is amazing with kids! She has a beautiful thick coat and does not shed. She weighs 65 lbs. She is a cream F1 Goldendoodle. Her mother is an AKC registered poodle and her father is an AKC registered Golden Retriever.